Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween: Witch's Socks

Happy Halloween to all you fiberistas!

I want the pattern to these witch's socks. Maybe I could use this Ravelry pattern as a starting point (or not!).

Happy Trick or Treating...

Friday, October 29, 2010

Woven Arrowhead Crochet Square

This is the latest and last crochet square that I received from my ravelry swap group. I love it!

The black and white colour choice went with September's theme of back to school. The pattern is by Lily Chin and found in Interweave's fall crochet magazine. It's called Woven Arrowhead. Check out some particulars at Crochet Me.

Chains are used to create the arrowhead pattern on top of the crochet.

These squares would be handsome in an afghan. I would sew the squares together so the arrowheads would not all point in the same direction but instead switch back and forth from vertical to horizontal.

What do you think?

Happy Creating!

Friday, October 22, 2010

An Actual Finished Object: My Jamaica Pouch

This fun project used the Brown Sheep Serendipity Tweed Yarn that I won from an Ally B blog contest.

I couldn't help thinking about a pumpkin when I photographed this pouch. Really it's more like a pumpkin Salvador Dali might paint. If I made it again, I'd use variegated yarn which would accent the spirals.

Like the pattern? Want to try it? Here's all you need to know via Ravelry.

It's great to be back with all you Fiber Art Fridayers!

Now, get on over to Wonder Why Gals to see some talented people.

Happy FAF!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Knitting Circle's Knit-Along: Pinwheel Blanket

I am so excited to belong to a new knitting circle in my small town. Tonight is our second meeting. I'll be bringing the beginnings of my Pinwheel Blanket by Genia Planck.

My knitting circle is doing this project as a KAL. The finished blankets will be donated to children in need.

This is my first non-cyber space KAL!

Happy Knit-Alongs!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

No I Have Not Quit Fiber Arting!

Oh my! I haven't posted since the end of June. My summer started and my blogging stopped. September rolled around and life got busy. I'm back in action. What do I have to share?

Well, two things I did keep up were my Ravelry swaps. This is a square I crocheted during the summer for Proud to Be Twelve Inches. This On the Huh square was interesting to crochet with its quirky center. The instructions are here.

Check out my leaf potholder for my Dazzling Dozen Potholder Swap which I crocheted from a vintage pattern.

I hope to hear from you all again! Til next time...

Happy Fibering!