Monday, June 28, 2010

Swap-a-rama: A Bit of Fun On the Side

I thought I would share two of my Ravelry swap goodies recently delivered in the mail.

This is my square from the Proud to be 12 inches swap.

And, this is my cheery potholder from the Dazzling Dozen Potholder Swap.

It's my bit of fun on the side!

Happy whatever!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Jamaica Pouch This Fiber Arts Friday

This little project was being ignored. The past couple of days I gave my Jamaica Pouch some attention. Now it is half way to it's full height.

It's a free one-skein wonder pattern by Sandra Clockedile on Ravelry. The sides spiral up from a circular bottom.

Variegated yarn shows off the spirals best. But I'm happy with my coral Brown Sheep Serendipity Tweed.

Check out all the other fiber bloggers this Fiber Arts Friday at Wonder Why Gals.

If you're not already part of this blog carnival, join us each Friday with your fiber art updates, FOs and stuff!

Happy FAF!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Simplicity Knitting Pattern: Who Dah Thunk It?

Look what I found rummaging around in my mom's old pattern books.

This Simplicity knitting pattern is from 1973. I remember my mom making me this knitted and smocked vest. I seem to think it was knit in brown.

Does anyone know if Simplicity who are known for sewing patterns still produce patterns for knitting? If so, I wonder if they still include this sage advice:

Simplicity was serious about simplicity. If only lace shawl patterns were this clear!

We can dream.

Happy knitting!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Spinning: Not On A Bike But Maybe On A Drop Spindle?

On the recommendation of Kate at Knits in Class, I bought Maggie Casey's book Start Spinning: Everything You Need To Know To Make Great Yarn.

Published by Interweave Books, Maggie Casey's Start Spinning appears to this absolute novice as pretty comprehensive.

I'll start my spinning adventure using a drop spindle. Buying a drop spindle may be a problem living in a small town. I assume they're sold on-line. However, you can't test for quality before buying.

Joining Beginning Spinners on Ravelry should be a big help.

Now to locate a drop spindle! Any advice on anything to do with my latest pursuit like where to buy a spindle?

Happy FAF at Wisdom Begins in Wonder!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

You've Got Mail: My Blog Giveaway Prize Arrived!

I was so excited to go to my local post office today. My blog giveaway prize from Dana Biddle of Colour Spun is here all the way from South Africa.

The prize is a spring blossom garland of handmade felt flowers. The colours are cheerful and warm.

Modelling this lovely garland is my cat who looks more cute in it than me.

The stamps on the shipping envelop caught my eye. These birds of South Africa are amazing.

Of course, South Africa is in the news because of the World Cup of Soccer. This prize from South Africa is all round cool!

Dana has instructions on her blog for the garland if it strikes your fancy to make one.

Happy Days!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Tempting Ravelry Swap: But I Think I'll Pass

Would you join a Multnomah Shawl Swap? Knit a Multnomah Shawl for a swap partner who in turn knits one for you in this shawl exchange.

I considered joining. The deadline to join is July 1st. I'm already in the Dazzling Dozen Potholder Swap and the Proud to be Twelve Inches Square Swap on Ravelry.

I declined. I have a sweater I promised hubby I would have finished by the fall. His Urban Aran Cardigan is feeling slightly neglected these days.

Has anyone ever joined a swap where you commit yourself to making an object that requires a large amount of your time and advanced skill?

Potholder and squares are my speed at the moment.

Happy Yarns!

Friday, June 11, 2010

What Am I Up To This Fiber Arts Friday?: Dödergök's Mitered Socks

Dödergök's Mitered Socks are my next attempt at a pair of knit socks. Unlike my Lounge Socks which were knit with a worsted 10 ply, this pattern uses 4 ply sock yarn. I'm looking forward to producing a lighter sock.

Have a quick look on Dödergök's blog to see these funky socks. Yes, she is Swedish and has many beautiful creations on her blog. This sock pattern she translated into English.

The cuff is knit in twisted ribbing. According to Dödergök, they have an "unusual toe and heel". The heel seems to be done like an after thought mitten thumb. Does that make sense?

That's all fiberistas! Visit all of the other fiber bloggers taking part in Fiber Arts Friday over at Wisdom Begins in Wonder.

Happy FAF!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Twelve Inch Square Swap: Another Ravelry Adventure

This is the twelve inch square I crocheted for my latest Ravelry swap Proud to be 12 Inches. The square is crocheted from the pattern for the Sunrise Sunset Afghan.

The sun motif in the centre drew me to the pattern.

It's crocheted in Paton's Classic Wool Merino which I had in my stash. I'm mailing it off to my swap recipient tomorrow. I hope she likes it! By the time the swap finishes, everyone should be able to sew their squares together into an afghan.

In my Dazzling Dozen Potholder Swap, I was chosen as the recipient for June's potholders. So, I should have a mailbox full of potholders soon. My mail woman is going to wonder what's up!

Happy Swapping!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award: You Like Me, You Really Like Me!

Heather of Implausible Yarn  bestowed upon me the Beautiful Blogger Award! Thank you so much Heather. Sometimes it can feel pretty lonely out here in blog land. But appreciation like this, along with my loyal commenters, makes it worth the effort.

As part of the Beautiful Blogger Award, I have to share 10 things about myself that you might not know about me. Being a very private person, this is a challenge.

1.  In my previous life, I was a lawyer. I gave that up to be full-time mom.

2. When I was a girl I read every Hardy Boy book I could get my hands on. Now, I read every Ian Rankin book I can get my hands on.

3. Greece is one of my favorite places on the planet.

4. I've rediscovered belly dancing which is something I haven't done since my twenties.

5. I love satirical British comedy.

6. Although I am a good at sewing, I hate sewing!

7. I still blast the stereo listening to the music of my youth like the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith and Elton John. It's on vinyl of course, although I do own an Ipod.

8. I'm an only child which means of course I am spoiled and self-centered. Not!

9. I'm an amateur bird watcher and take part in Cornell University's winter bird count.

10.  I'd love to own a red Ford Mustang before I'm fifty. I'd better get a move on!

This is the part of the award that I like the best! I get to pass on the Beautiful Blogger Award to 10 of my favorite blogs. I love so many blogs that this was not easy. But here in random order are 10 of my Beautiful Bloggers:

Monika Rose of Monika Rose Crochets
Marguerite of Stitches in Violet
Not Ready for Handspun of Minding My Own Stitches

Happy Blogging!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Socks Accomplished: My First Pair!

Ta Da! These are the first pair of socks that I have knit in my thirty odd year knitting adventure.

Why did I wait so long to knit a pair of socks?  They never really appealed to me until I ventured into the knitting blog world. All of the amazing socks you fiberistas were knitting! How could I not be tempted?

My next sock project is already percolating. I think I may try  Dodergok's Mitered Socks.

Will anyone else be sharing a new fiber experience over at Wonder Why Gal's this Fiber Arts Friday?

Happy fiber adventures!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Simple Crochet Spiral Necklace Pattern: A Quick Project

This is a quick crochet pattern for a spiral necklace crocheted in Bernat organic cotton which is a worsted 10 ply (9 wpi). I used a 4.5 mm or U.S. 7 hook. The soft cotton makes for a light and soft accessory.

Start by loosely chaining 69 stitches. Single crochet in the 4th chain from hook. This will be the loop for your button closure. Then, make 3 single crochets in each of the remaining single crochets to end of chain. This creates the spiral!

Sew on a pretty button for the loop closure. As you can see, I used a wool needle and my cotton yarn to wrap the loop to make it more substantial. But, you may choose to leave it as crocheted.

If you'd like to show off your spiral necklace, post your project on Ravelry from the Spiral Necklace pattern page.

Happy Fiber Art Jewelry!